Help Desk Support

The Intraworks help desk provides support for your business, regardless of your geographic location. We are your first contact for hardware, software or network related issues.

With your call to the Intraworks Help Desk we can quickly determine whether an issue can be dealt with immediately or if it will require advanced assistance. Advanced issues or problems requiring urgent solution are prioritized to ensure prompt resolution.

Intraworks help desk technicians are available 8:30am - 5:00pm weekdays. We also offer 24/7 support for emergency situations and an extended hours package (8:30am – 9:00pm) available depending on your business needs.


Our technicians use a variety of remote support tools to assist in solving your network, computer or server problems quickly and efficiently. Our Direct-to-Desktop technology reduces the need for expensive on-site assistance, effectively reducing your I.T. support costs and down time from minor problems.


For problems which require a visit to your location, Intraworks will schedule a pickup or on-site visit by one of our qualified technicians.  

We provide island wide support with Intraworks technicians based out of Victoria, Nanaimo and Courtenay.

Contact our technicians or sales staff and discuss how the Intraworks Help Desk can assist your organization.

Toll Free: 1.866.729.8624
Nanaimo: 250.729.8624 (Head Office)
Victoria: 250.384.8624
Courtenay: 250.898.8624